At FEEL THE BARRE, we have a whole range of barre classes catering for all fitness levels and capabilities. From our popular BarreSIGNATURE to our BarreADVANCED classes, there is a barre class for everyone.
Below is a list of the different types of barre classes we offer. If you have any questions check out our useful FEEL THE BARRE FAQs page or feel free to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you at the barre soon. Please note: Not all classes are available but will be very soon.
Our original and most loved BarreSIGNATURE class is popular for a reason. This class incorporates elements of all of our barre classes and is aimed at accommodating all levels of fitness. Get ready to use the weight of your own body and light resistance bands as well as weights to work every part of the body.
You will leave feeling strengthened and lengthened, and with your core switched on. We recommend this class to all newcomers but equally to all of you FEEL THE BARRE veterans too!
BarreSTRONG promises the same low-impact and high-intensity moves as our much loved BarreSIGNATURE, but with added weights and props. Get ready to take it up a level with free weights, kettlebells, bands, and ankle weights. Build strength, burn calories and leave feeling empowered from the inside out.
We recommend attending at least 5 BarreSIGNATURE classes before signing up, however all levels are encouraged to join. We have different sizes of weights for all levels of fitness as well as standard and advanced options to cater for all.
Think BarreSIGNATURE taken up to a spicy level! Getting the heart rate up is what BarreSWEAT is all about. Adding low-impact but dynamic cardio interval sets to leave you in a sweaty hot mess - that is what this class promises to do. Think HIIT & happy hormones onboarding.
We recommend attending at least 3 BarreSIGNATURE classes before attending this class.
Emphasis is on the word RESTORE. Using massage balls and rollers and holding stretches while breathing intentionally is what you will find in this calm and mindful class. This is where you will bring your mind, body, and soul together - barre style.
Recovery from all of your other barre classes and other activities is the goal here. It is highly recommended to take this class at least once a week, but more if you can’t stop yourself from coming back! We totally get it.
BarreCENTRE is done on the mat only and away from the barre.
BarreCENTRE is more focused on stability and balance because of the missing barre, and it is great for general health and full body wellbeing.
We use free weights, minibands, therabands and balancing blocks in this class. Think low-impact, control and functional precise movements to bring value to your everyday life.
Your core is your engine! The stronger your core, the better form and technique you will have. Not just in class but in your everyday lives too. This class is done on the mat and focuses on strengthening you up from the inside and out and from every angle. It is great for your spine and overall posture and alignment. You will leave feeling tall, lifted, and switched on.
BarreCORE is highly recommended to all fitness levels and we encourage at least one of these classes a week. You will see and feel the benefits quickly, especially when combining it with our other barre classes.
The goal of this class is to use the barre to support and guide the body into long and healthy stretch combinations. Mindful breathing techniques and joint mobility exercises are found here in this calm but challenging stretch class.
Regular stretching will help you improve your positioning in class, allowing you to hold your poses longer, and feel yourself get stronger. We recommend a weekly BarreSTRETCH class to really feel the benefits.
Welcome to the teacher’s playground! Expect more complicated choreography and combinations to really get your body and mind into. With less breaks and more action, we promise you are going to get pushed to another level.
Who knows which tools the teacher decides to use but get ready to feel the burn at the barre! This class is for the veterans and experienced barre lovers, but maybe you are ready, feel free to ask! We are here for you and happy to give you guidance if you are eager to try.
BarreONLY means just that! This class is for all of you who just love to use the barre exclusively. Most of our classes move from the mat to the floor to the barre and back again, but not this class. Prepare to use the barre during the whole class!
In complete contrast to BarreCENTRE where more difficulty is involved because of being without the barre, during BarreONLY you’ll feel more confident knowing you have the barre for extra support. Prepare to use our signature tools to build full body strength.
We recommend attending at least 3 BarreSIGNATURE classes before attending this class.